CLAT-UG : Preparation Tips for Logical Reasoning

The Logical Reasoning section of CLAT-UG which can be a bit time consuming. Although this section is considered tough by many, it is nothing but a myth. Aspirants can easily score good marks in this section with a lot of practice.

CLAT-UG Logical Reasoning Syllabus covers analytical and critical reasoning questions in current news and events. CLAT-UG Logical Reasoning questions are designed to test your comprehension, critical thinking, analysing patterns/arguments, identifying contradictions, drawing conclusions and reasoning skills. Aspirants must focus on improving their analytical skills, vocabulary and comprehension. You can easily ace this section with enough practice and understanding the theory concepts clearly.

We have curated the best CLAT Logical Reasoning Preparation Tips provided by our experts at CLATATHON (India’s Advanced Online Coaching Platform for CLAT Preparation) in this article.

Following these tips will enhance your skills of reasoning and logical thinking.

What are the Important Topics under CLAT-UG Logical Reasoning syllabus?

Before starting the preparation, it is important to get an idea about the complete CLAT-UG Syllabus from the exam point of view.

The syllabus for logical reasoning includes various questions based on verbal reasoning such as syllogism, analogies, logical sequence, blood relation, etc.



Blood Relations

Number Series

Statements and Assumptions

Logical Sequences

Seating Arrangement/Puzzle Test

Arguments & Conclusions

Assertions and Reasoning


Circular Arrangements

Direct sense

Coding Decoding


Clocks and calendars



CLAT-UG Exam Pattern : Logical Reasoning

In the CLAT exam, about 28-32 questions will be asked from the logical reasoning section. The question shall include comprehension-based passages followed by 4-5 questions.

Given below is the exam pattern for CLAT-UG Logical Reasoning section:

Total Weightage

20 %

Type of Questions

Objective type (Based on passages)

Ability Tested

Critical thinking, analysing patterns/arguments, identifying contradictions, drawing conclusions and reasoning skills

Standard of Questions

12th Standard

Total Marks for Logical Reasoning


Difficulty Level

Easy to Moderate




CLAT-UG :Preparation Books for Logical Reasoning

Books are an inherent source of knowledge while preparing for the CLAT. It is essential to seek the assistance of some books to enhance the knowledge and pass the examination.

You can refer to the following CLAT Preparation Books while preparing for the exam.

CLAT Logical Reasoning Preparation Books

Given below are the preparation books to study logical reasoning for CLAT:

Important CLAT Books for Logical Reasoning

Universal’s Logical Reasoning for CLAT, LSAT and other Law Entrance Exams

Jain Prateek

Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning

RS Agarwal

A New Approach to Verbal and Analytical Reasoning


Analytical and Logical Reasoning

RS Agarwal

Logical Reasoning

RK Gupta and Samiksha Gupta

Analytical Reasoning (English)

MK Pandey

501 Challenging Logical Reasoning Practice Book

RS Agarwal

A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning

RS Agarwal


CLAT-UG Logical Reasoning Paper Analysis

Mentioned below is the analysis of CLAT-UG Logical Reasoning

CLAT Logical Reasoning Paper 2022 was easy in difficulty level.

CLAT 2022 Logical Reasoning was found to be more lengthy than the previous years question paper.

CLAT 2022 Logical Reasoning consisted of a total of six passages and 30 multiple-choice questions.

The previous question paper had easy questions which were mostly about current everyday issues like COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and more.

CLAT-UG : Logical Reasoning Preparation Strategy ?

Coming up with a preparation strategy for the section of CLAT-UG is extremely important for every law aspirants.Logical reasoning is the most score-able section of CLAT, and a significant part of it depends on your approach.

You can consider below Preparation strategy for enhancing your logical reasoning preparation:

. Clear your concepts and understand the foundation of the topics from the logical reasoning syllabus. Also Identify your strengths and weaknesses

. Try to find one good book that will prepare you the best for the logical reasoning section instead of creating confusion with multiple books.

. Learn time management and easy techniques to solve logical reasoning questions. This will help you solve tricky questions quickly in the exam.

. Understanding of the real exam environment you need to attempt more mock tests along with Previous Year Question Papers, which gives you an idea of difficulty level of the section. So, find online Mock test preparation.

. Only practice can help you increase your speed and save time during the exam. Only with repeated practice can you excel in this section. So, maintain regularity and put extra effort on practice.

Read more: Short tricks to enhance your time management skills in CLAT

CLAT-UG Logical Reasoning : Preparation Tips

Logical Reasoning for CLAT tests the Aspirants reasoning abilities. Aspirants will be required to use critical thinking skills to analyse reasoning patterns and draw conclusions according to their assessments. Aspirants should be able to draw logical conclusions with effective arguments as required in the exam.

Given below are some preparation tips for Aspirants attempting logical reasoning for CLAT-UG:

. Preparation Plan: The first step to studying logical reasoning is to make a detailed plan about studying the subject. Aspirants should make a list of topics and make plans to cover them on a daily basis so that they can complete the syllabus within the deadline and make time for revisions.

. Practice: Logical reasoning section of CLAT will require Aspirants to practise a lot more to work on their analytical skills. Practising different methods of reasoning will help the Aspirants solve problems quickly.

. Shortcuts Practise: Aspirants should practise using shortcuts and easier methods for solving problems. This method can be extremely useful when attempting to complete CLAT exam in a short time, which will help Aspirants manage their time.

. Time Management: Aspirants should make sure that they manage their time appropriately when attempting to complete the exam. Taking too much time on one question will lead the Aspirants to not have time left for the other questions.

. Easy to Hard: Aspirants should follow the easy to hard pattern when writing the exam. This means that Aspirants should first finish questions they find easier, after which they can attempt the harder problems.

. Weaknesses and Strengths: Aspirants should early on make sure that they identify their strengths and weaknesses so that they can work on their weaknesses. Aspirants should make sure that when attempting the exam, they are well prepared for any situation at hand.

How to Attempt CLAT Logical Reasoning Questions ?

There are several ways that you can attempt the Logical Reasoning questions of CLAT. Try to follow these quick CLAT Logical Reasoning tips to answer questions quickly:

It is essential to recognize the conclusions and premises in a particular passage. These conclusions and assumptions make up the arguments. Identifying them will help you to proceed further.

The next step is to determine the tone or theme of the passage. By checking the tonality, you can answer the questions that follow the passage.

If you have successfully decoded the theme or the point of the passage, then it will be easy for you to choose the answers.

It is also very essential to understand the view of the passage. It may have more than one view, which again can be contradictory. You must identify and segregate them. This will aid you in realizing if the passage has a central point or several viewpoints.

Reading the question precisely is a skill that you have to enhance. You have to figure out the fine details and answer accordingly.

The use of the word 'most' in the questions signifies that you have to pick an answer which best suits the question. It is essential to read without any distractions and pauses.

It is essential to follow the question minutely and leave whatever prior knowledge you have of it behind. The question makers are well aware of this hesitation that might cross your mind. They are most likely intended to test your adapting skills and ability to soak in new facts and act accordingly without imposing previous knowledge.

A question regarding the implication of a particular statement in a passage may be given. In this case, two things need to be done. You have to assess what the statement implies explicitly as well inexplicitly.

For this, you have to assess and deduce all possible arguments of the statement for different views. Identification of the theme or the point will be beneficial while attempting these questions.


CLAT-UG Logical Reasoning Practice Questions

Solving CLAT Mock Tests will help you understand the difficulty level and the type of questions asked in the exam.

To help you understand the type of questions asked in the exam, we have provided analytical reasoning questions for the upcoming exam here.

The analysis by Georg Simmel in ‘The Metropolis and Mental Life’ (written in 1903) centres on two interlocking social forms: money and the city. As they become dominant, they erode natural rhythms of production and traditional social bonds. This is liberating: cash does not care about birth right; it is ‘concerned only with what is common to all: it asks for the exchange value’. Yet, there is a hidden cost: money reduces what is uniquely valuable to a number, a price. In the right ratio, fine hand-crafted goods are equal to mass-produced junk. This devalues commodities – nothing that can be bought is unique – while simultaneously accelerating the search for whatever is truly unique and incomparably valuable.

The city accelerates the calculable logic of money, encroaching even on our experience of time. Time is no longer governed by the seasons or celestial bodies but is abstracted and measured. The city also compresses space, social and geographical. Diverse classes, strata, cultures, linguistic groups and vocations are brought into close proximity. This is why, as Simmel observed, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche preached against the city bitterly: it threatened to subsume his noble individualism into a mass.

Instead of seeking extremes in the mountains of Sils Maria, Simmel found them in the metropolitan crowd, where one can feel the uniquely modern loneliness of passing a thousand faces without recognising a friend. Disillusioned by advertising and overstimulation, Simmel suggested that blasé individuals search for quality in their last refuge – personality: Man is tempted to adopt the most tendentious peculiarities, that is, the specifically metropolitan extravagances of mannerism, caprice, preciousness; the meaning of these extravagances lies in its form of ‘being different’, of standing out in a striking manner and thereby attracting attention.

Q.1. Which of the following can be inferred correctly from the given passage?
a) For man, who is always striving, never satisfied, always becoming; love is the only true human condition.
b) If all clocks in a metropolitan city would suddenly go wrong by the least, all economic life and communication of the city would be disrupted for a long time.
c) The problem of modern life is to preserve the individuality of a person’s existence in the face of overwhelming social forces.
d) Rapid urbanization and financial speculation propelled the decay of isolation of an individual from the society.

Q.2. Which of the following assumptions is made based on the given passage?
a) Before the metropolitan era, the disparity among different groups in the society was well maintained.
b) The worth of time was much higher before the invention of money.
c) Most citizens of the metropolitan era face social anxiety and prefer living solitary lives.
d) In the modern era, anybody is eligible to buy any commodity he wants if he has abundant money.

Q 3. Which of the following statements weakens the argument that ‘money reduces the price of an entity’?
a) Most luxury brands are now available online and can be bought or rented for a certain period of time.
b) Some people loathe commodities that are produced for the mass and instead look for designer commodities that can be customized according to one’s desire.
c) None of the given
d) Despite their high prices, cruise tickets often get sold out one month prior to the voyage dates.

Q 4. Which of the following, as evident from the passage, is a challenge faced by people in this metropolitan era?
a) Most people are spoilt for choices in the cities as the availability of commodities in cities is abundant.
b) People living in metropolitan areas dislike people from rural areas moving into urban areas as it threatens their survival.
c) As differences between the various social strata and classes have diminished in cities, urbanized people have a difficulty moving back to rural areas.
d) Most urban people are ostentatious who are living their lives in solitude.

Q.5. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the last paragraph of the given passage?
a) Most philosophers seek seclusion in mountains to let their thoughts flow.
b) Urban men seek ways to get out of their isolated lives.
c) From the beginning of the 20th century, traditions and cultures saw a downfall in urban areas.
d) People in urban areas often live in isolation and do not prefer to have family or friends.


1. C)

(c) can be inferred as the whole passage states how city and money together have lowered the differences among the various groups of people in the society but has instead led to a social pressure where one is continuously striving to be noticed, leads a lonely life and is threatened by the fear of losing his position in the society due to other people. The other options so can’t be inferred because: (a) passage does not state anything about love, (b) is an addition to the second paragraph. The passage states about the loneliness suffered by the people which is opposite of the meaning intended in option (d). Hence, (c) is the right answer.

2. A)

As the passage states that the disparity among various groups decreased so much that some philosophers started hating the idea of ‘cities’ as it would threaten their positions (status) in the society. So, (a) can be assumed. (b) is irrelevant and cannot be assumed, (c) is already given in the passage and (d) cannot be assumed from the passage as it does not state that ‘anybody’ can afford the luxuries of city life. Hence, (a) is the right answer.

3. C)

None of the given weakens the argument. (a) and (d) are examples which show that expensive commodities can be afforded easily now or will be sold out in case when needs arise (assuming that cruise tickets get sold out due to their high demand among travellers), (b) states that there are people who prefer selective, unique commodities as opposed to the ones that trend in the market. Hence, (c) is the right answer.

4. D)

(d) is a challenge faced by urban people: though they show off their wealth and luxuries, they are lonely people in a big crowd. The other options are not major challenges as: (a) is not a challenge that is faced by people of all classes, (b) the passage states about a philosopher who disliked the idea of ‘cities’ since it removes the differences between higher and lower classes, (c) not relevant as neither the passage nor the question states about urban people moving to rural areas. Hence, (d) is the right answer.

5. B)

(b) can be concluded as it is evident that they try hard to keep up with the trends and stand out among the crowds to show their ‘existence’. (a) irrelevant (c) though the differences between various groups started diminishing, it cannot be concluded form the last para, (d) the passage does not indicate that urban people choose to lead a solitary life. Hence, (b) is the right answer.



Q. How many hours a day should I study as part of CLAT Logical Reasoning Preparations?

Aspirantsshould study a minimum of 1-2 hours daily to get experienced to draw logical conclusions to arguments. Aspirantsshould make sure that they have a well-thought preparation plan to train themselves.

 Q. What type of logical reasoning comes in CLAT Preparations? 

Aspirantswill find many topics like Statements and Assumptions, Logical Sequences, Seating Arrangement/Puzzle Test, Arguments & Conclusions, Assertions and Reasoning, Puzzles, Circular Arrangements, Direct sense, and more. Aspirantswill be tested on their aptitude to use reasoning for legal cases.

 Q. Is CLAT Logical Reasoning hard? 

CLAT Logical Reasoning has a difficulty level of moderately challenging. Aspirantsmust make sure that they practise well so they can write the exam well.

Q. Is there any difference between CLAT Logical Reasoning from the previous year Question Pattern?

Logical Reasoning section has revisions made from the previous years. However, there have not been any new revisions made to the CLAT Logical reasoning section. Any changes will be announced in the official notification.

 Q. How long before the exam should I start preparing for CLAT Logical Reasoning? 

Aspirantsshould start preparing for CLAT logical reasoning section one year in advance of the exam. This deadline gives Aspirantsgood time to prepare and revise the subject.

 Q. What type of questions will be asked in CLAT Logical Reasoning section? 

CLAT 2022 Logical Reasoning will mainly have passage-based multiple-choice questions. Aspirantswill be provided with passages that they must read and answer the questions related to the questions.

 Q. Can I study CLAT Logical Reasoning in a month? 

CLAT Logical Reasoning requires the candidate to think logically and critically. Studying the topics in one month can be extremely challenging.

 Q. What is the marking scheme for CLAT Logical Reasoning? 

CLAT Logical Reasoning section has the same marking scheme as the rest of the exam. The exam will have total marks of 28-32. One correct answer will earn the Aspirants1 mark, whereas an incorrect answer will deduct 0.25 marks from the overall score.

 Q. How can I score well in CLAT Logical Reasoning section ? 

Aspirants can score well by preparing well in advance. The Aspirants should build up their natural reasoning and analytical skills by reading puzzles and more CLAT Logical Reasoning Preparation Books.

 Q. How many passages are there in CLAT Logical Reasoning section ? 

In CLAT 2022 there was 6 passages in the Logical Reasoning section. Aspirants can expect as many passages for the CLAT Logical Reasoning section.