Here’s some simple advice you can follow to find the programmes that’s a good fit for you.


1. Decide your own criteria

Step one is deciding what you want from a programme.

Do you want a programme to improve your skills to crack the CLAT?


May be a course just to pass the time?

Maybe you know what  you want to study, or maybe you don’t.

Before you start looking for a course, try to establish exactly what you want or need from it. Try and answer these questions:

  • Are you learning for crack the exam or for fun?
  • How long can you spend learning a week?
  • Are you looking to develop a specific skill, if so, what is it?
  • What topics are you especially interested in?


2. Spend some time exploring

Now you have a clearer idea of what you need from a course, spend some time browsing courses. On CLATATHON you might want to look through our programme pages, or if you know the area you’re interested in, you might want to search directly. Choose courses that match as many of your criteria as possible.

If you find several courses that meet your criteria, don’t worry. Open up each course page and then…


3. Read the course description(s) thoroughly

This step is one of the most important. Take some time to read all programme descriptions thoroughly, making sure you understand what the programme is about, what’s on the syllabus and what you’ll learn by the end of the programme.

It’s also important at this point to find out exactly, whos the programmes is for, so you can ensure it’s the right level for you. On CLATATHON, we have a wide range of Programmes – for those people with no knowledge about the subjects to those who are have decided study law. You don’t want to end up on a programme which doesn’t match your cerietria.


4. Narrow down your choices using your criteria

After you’re familiar with what the programme cover. check which programme is the best meets your needs?

If you find you have a few programme that meet the criteria, you will need to judge whether you have the time to join and keep up with all of them. If you don’t think you can, you can always add your cart them to start later or upgrade a programme, to get ongoing access to it.


5. Start learning!

You’ve browsed, you’ve read the small print, you’ve checked the criteria and, if it’s all gone to plan, you should have a programme lined up. The only thing left to do is get started!

If the programme doesn’t start for a little while, add a reminder to your calendar or make a note in your diary, so you’re ready when it does start.